Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Lavisa Planet – Registrations pending for Plots booked in 2008

deepa.acmath on Sep 3, 2014

I have invested for a 30 X 40 plot in Lavisa planet in Apr’ 2008. They have changed their company name 2 to 3-times but by now change in the documents are done. No developments status nor update is given till we follow-up.

And on that worst staff who argue when asked for status.They have been promising on registrations but till now no sign of it.

Now they are committing that First Phase registrations are done. Second Phase will start by 15-Sep-2015.

No propoer documentation is shared. Request your support to get the registration complete and also if the papers are clean for this project.

Deepa A C
No.30,2nd Cross, CP Layout, RMV 2nd Stage, Lotegolahalli, Bangalore, Karnataka

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